A travel by Spanish America: Spanish for beginners

Datos del curso

Duración: 4 semanas Dedicación: 4–6 horas por semana Tema: Idiomas Modalidad: Online Coste: Gratuito



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Descripción del curso

Today more tan 580 million people speak Spanish in the five continents and it is the third language used to communicate in the web and social networks. This course helps you learn basic expressions and communicative tools so that you can travel to diverse Spanish-speaking destinations, and make the most of your stay while you go more deeply in the cultures. You will know about Spanish American places and traditions that will make you wish to travel. You will know how to introduce yourself, do shopping, ask for places, follow directions, taste street dishes, or enjoy some meal at a restaurant. This course is designed by teachers from the Program of Spanish for Foreigners (PEPE) of Universidad del Rosario, who have taught Spanish in Colombia and other countries taking culture as the means to teach the language.

Conocimientos a adquirir

Develop skills to act in basic communicative situations during a trip in a Spanish-speaking country. Ask for and give personal linformation in different travelling procedures or situations. Use expressions to buy products and services. Order food in diverse spaces and situations. Ask and understand information about places and how to get to them. Know essential aspects of Spanish American cultures

Temario del curso

Today more tan 580 million people speak Spanish in the five continents and it is the third language used to communicate in the web and social networks. This course helps you learn basic expressions and communicative tools so that you can travel to diverse Spanish-speaking destinations, and make the most of your stay while you go more deeply in the cultures. You will know about Spanish American places and traditions that will make you wish to travel. You will know how to introduce yourself, do shopping, ask for places, follow directions, taste street dishes, or enjoy some meal at a restaurant. This course is designed by teachers from the Program of Spanish for Foreigners (PEPE) of Universidad del Rosario, who have taught Spanish in Colombia and other countries taking culture as the means to teach the language.

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Para inscribirse en el curso de A travel by Spanish America: Spanish for beginners solo debes pulsar sobre el siguiente botón dorado y podrás empezar a formarte sobre Idiomas durante las próximas 4 semanas. Recuerda que todos los cursos son totalmente gratuitos, por lo tanto nunca pongas datos de pago o de facturación.


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